The Journal Stripped Bare: A Workshop, Ebook and videos you can do at your own pace with Eric Scott
The Journal Stripped Bare: A Workshop, Ebook and videos you can do at your own pace with Eric Scott
“Creativity... requires limits, for the creative act rises out of the struggle of human beings with and against that which limits them.” — Rollo May
Work at your own pace!!
It’s easy to be overwhelmed with a myriad of materials, a vast array of images, complex techniques, and much more when we embark on our visual journaling journey. But what if we simplified our approach and set some limits to what we use? We could then strip our journaling process down to the bare essentials, and focus our creative energies on making and meaning. We don’t need a studio full of art supplies of all kinds. We don’t need to over burden our work with complicated and time consuming processes. We don’t need boxes and bins of images and ephemera. What happens when we place limits on ourselves and our making so that we could work anywhere and anytime? How could our art and our journaling be different if we pare down our supplies and get back to some basics.
In this mixed media workshop, we’ll strip the journal bare as we explore a wide variety of techniques for using and combining simple materials to create rich pages. We’ll focus not only on how to use materials, but also on some simple strategies for arranging elements to create dynamic pages. We’ll also explore personal themes, ideas, and concepts as we write, reflect, and ponder.
This workshop is an automatic download, and it is a large file so it may take a while to download. You will have instant access to the PDF of written directions. Access to the videos is obtained by clicking on the appropriate links within the PDF, but they are password protected, and you will find the password within the PDF as well. Please remember, do not share your password with anyone else.
Intended Audience:This workshop focuses on using a limited set of art materials to explore the visual journaling process, and it is suitable for any and all of the following:
Beginners looking for instruction on creating mixed media, layered artwork
Experienced artists looking for a different take on the visual journal process
Anyone looking to simplify their working process
What You Get:
50+ minutes of HD video instruction that explores more than 30 techniques
30+ pages of instruction with high resolution photographs and step-by-step instructions
Private Facebook Group for discussions and to share with fellow workshop participants
Supplies Needed for Class:
Sketchbook, visual journal, and/or a variety of loose mixed media paper
Tracing paper
#2 pencil
Water-soluble Graphite Pencil - 6B or 8B
Waterproof pens and/or markers — black, blue, and red
Metallic markers — gold and/or silver
Glue Stick – UHU Jumbo recommended
Small water cup
Stiff bristle brushes — 1 small and 1 medium
Letter stencils - 1 or 2 sets
Packing tape
Limited fodder - photocopies, movie tickets, raffle tickets, newspaper, book pages, craft paper, colored paper
Part 1: The BeginningsWe gather our materials, discuss what we need, give an overview of the workshop, and discuss the philosophy behind stripping our process down.
Part 2: The BasicsWe dive into the art making by exploring some of the basic techniques for using materials as we make marks, build layers, and reflect on some personal themes.
Part 3: Advanced TechniquesWe explore some advanced techniques using collage, image transfers, and tracings to add depth, variety, and meaning to our pages.
Part 4: Putting It All TogetherWe take all that we’ve learned, created, and experienced and put it all together to create purposeful pages with rich layers.